
you're at home, baby...

some private stuff:
how much I am like my mother... never expected, but obviously it's there. I guess it is a tribute to the education my parents gave me, but nevertheless, unexpected... that I would be the one washing the towels, buying flowers to make our balcony look nicer, shout and scream (though still in a joking way) when the kitchen is a mess... iron my shirts, even considering buying my own iron, and already having bought an ironing board.
So, much sooner than expected, I am calling this place "home", not only since Réka slept here, but already much earlier... and I expect it to stay like that, my home, and surely it looks like it!
And then, finally, what happened to simple, cheap, single-purpose webcams? All there is are some with mounted LEDs, WLAN access, who needs that?!?!?.... gotta search more thoroughly, never buying the cheapest, always looking for quality. I am going fine with this philosophy when it comes to food, why not also webcams?
And yeah, my eggs, flour, sesame, cheese, meat, vegetables, potatoes... all of them are "bio".