
Lazy, fat and bored

Our kids are too fat... Well, we can blame anyone we want, but by doing so we neglect that after all, it is our responsibility. And with ours, I mean every single one of us. Responsibility of the individual to be aware of his nutrition, responsibility of the parents to watch for their children, teach them that good things aren't necessarily the things TV promotes, and that joy can result from other sources than TV and computer games, responsibility of society to get more "actively" involved in sports and recreation.

A general fault of our society (you may hear me talking more about this) is laziness. Maybe it's its biggest, maybe just one of many. Laziness is what causes "society diseases", depression, obesity, anorexia. Noone(*) is interested in anything but pursuit of laziness... and we take it with any price tag that comes attached.

(*) sorry for the generalization. should read: "the statistical majority of western countries citizen"

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