Watching the "usual" habit of tourists visiting my beautiful hometown (see above), they tend to ignore the gastronomial offers Salzburg has. Japanese go to sushi restaurants, Italians to the closest Pizzeria or Ristorante Italiano, Chinese restaurants are full of Asian people, and our visitors from the US and GB tend to fall into the fast-food trap.
Now, not that I don't like a quick Bic Mac meal, or some spring rolls myself once in a while - but when I'm abroad, I try to grasp all the parts of the culture, not just some nice buildings or museums. Austrian cuisine is renowned for its richness, tradition, cultural multitude and tastefulness. The choice of restaurants is wide, from a simple Gulasch to Hirschsteak in Preiselbeerkruste - pick what you like!
Next time you are in a foreign country, look into your guide and search for a restaurant to your liking. One that offers local cuisine. Try it! (And you can grab a quick hamburger after going out at nights still...)
For Salzburg, let me give you some suggestions:
- Zipfer Bräuhaus (opposite Kollegienkirche, Universitätsplatz)
- Gasthaus Wilder Mann (Getreidegasse)
- Zum fidelen Affen (Priesterhausgasse)
- Stiegl Keller (Festungsberg)
- Müllner Bräustübl (Augustiner Bräu)
- Gasthof Alter Fuchs (Linzer Gasse)
- ...
1 Kommentar:
"very strangely" I never went into any hungarian restaurant there. :P
Otherwise, you are right, people should try the local foods wherever they are, cos it's part of the culture. There are exceptions though... I would never really want to eat anything that I don't normally define as food. I don't mean things I don't know, I mean things that are... just not for eating purposes according to my dictionary. :)
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