Gut, ich gebs zu, die Überschrift ist geklaut. Jemand im war schneller.
Jetzt ist er also da, Obama, vierundvierzigster Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, und abgesehen von den "realpolitischen" Aufgaben (Wirtschaft, Umwelt, Kriege, Konflikte) wird er auch vor der Herausforderung stehen, eben diese Staaten (und vor allem die Menschen in ihnen) wieder etwas mehr zu vereinigen.
Über all seine Pläne, die Erwartungen, die Herausforderungen, die Probleme und seine Politik ist ja schon genug geschrieben worden; drum soll da mein Senf mal aussen vor bleiben. Aber eins möchte ich schon heute anmerken: wenn er dann (hoffentlich) am 20. 1. 2017 in Präsidialpension geht, dann denke ich werden wir alle ein Stück Geschichte und (hoffentlich) eine Wende zum Besseren miterlebt haben - allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz.
Tu, felix Austria
Only in Austria, a person like Martin Graf can become (and remain) 3rd president of the national assembly. Not only is he a member of "Olympia", a Burschenschaft dangerously close to the Neonazi scene; also his selected assistants paint a somewhat dubious picture, being customers at a Nazi paraphilia shop.
Well, if something like that happened in Germany, he would be forced to step out of office within the minute. Only in Austria, all he has to face is an "urgent talk" with 1st president of the national assembly, Barbara Prammer.
Well, if something like that happened in Germany, he would be forced to step out of office within the minute. Only in Austria, all he has to face is an "urgent talk" with 1st president of the national assembly, Barbara Prammer.
Welcome to the year 2009.
The world starts with a war, and since Nov. 4th, we are not allowed to categorize everything into "good" or "evil". Difficult.
There is an old wisdom in conflict management, that says if a conflict has advanced too far, it is impossible for the parties involved to solve it on their own. It needs an external party (a so-called "mediator") to help them resolve the conflict. My guess is that a.) shooting and bombing each other is definitely a stage of having "advanced too far" in a conflict and b.) it will need one hell of a brilliant mediator to help resolve that one.
Welcome to the year 2009.
The world starts with a war, and since Nov. 4th, we are not allowed to categorize everything into "good" or "evil". Difficult.
There is an old wisdom in conflict management, that says if a conflict has advanced too far, it is impossible for the parties involved to solve it on their own. It needs an external party (a so-called "mediator") to help them resolve the conflict. My guess is that a.) shooting and bombing each other is definitely a stage of having "advanced too far" in a conflict and b.) it will need one hell of a brilliant mediator to help resolve that one.
Welcome to the year 2009.
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